Why Do I Need Nutritional Supplements?

We often get the question: “Why do I need nutritional supplements?” It’s understandable, since many of the people who ask this are already healthy eaters, consumers of organic foods, with active lifestyles. The simple answer is, you don’t need nutritional supplements. Not if your goal is simply to get by. But we don’t think ‘getting by’ is good enough. Whether it’s financial health, mental health, or physical health, we want to prosper.

In the same way many plants can survive in mediocre soil, humans can get by eating a normal, standard diet. But we all know that surviving and thriving are separate things. If you provide a plant with additional nutrients through fertilizer, that plant will thrive! Humans are much the same. We simply do better when we give our body more of what it needs.

Healthy Veggies
Doesn’t this look healthy? But you still may not be getting all the nutrients needed to thrive!

Let’s talk for a moment about how people often decide to try nutritional supplements. Quite often people seek out information on supplements only after a health problem develops. Maybe they’ve learned that they have high cholesterol. Stiff joints. Trouble with energy levels. A compromised immune system. You get the idea. Often the search for answers starts on Google. We’ve all done this at one time or another. Once someone learns about a supplement that might help their condition, they give it a try. Did it work? Possibly, but most likely not. Others simply gobble down all of the supplements on their shelf in an effort to resolve an issue. That’s a little like going to the gym and working out for one or two minutes on every machine in sight. Your trainer wouldn’t recommend this, and for obvious reasons: it’s too chaotic to be effective and ignores what your body is telling you.

We offer what we think is a better approach. We recommend that everyone start with a consistent, basic nutritional supplement routine formed from well-known nutritional building blocks. We call these Foundational Supplements. If you take just Foundational Supplements, you can significantly improve your health. If you’d like to read more on the theory behind Foundational Supplements, I invite you to visit our page devoted to the subject.

The four basic categories of Foundational Supplements include: 1) a multivitamin that provide high levels of nutrients; 2) essential fats needed by the body for many critical functions; 3) vitamin C (with other antioxidants, especially bioflavonoids); and 4) a high-RNA superfood, which supplies critically needed nucleic acids in the form of dietary RNA and DNA.

With basic nutritional requirements satisfied, many of the issues faced can be mitigated or eliminated. Health issues that arise from specific concerns can then be better addressed. Issues such as joint pain, fatigue, or brain fog, are much easier to manage once foundational nutrition is established.

While companies like ours often offer a wide range of supplements, including many designed to resolve specific problems, we always recommend starting with Foundational Supplements.